Brad Alles

Dr. Alles is an Associate Professor of Education at Concordia University Wisconsin. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in education from Concordia University Nebraska, his Master’s degree in Christian education from Concordia University Chicago, and his Ed.D in Leadership, Innovation, and Continuous Improvement from Concordia University Wisconsin.

Posts by Brad Alles




The Truth About…Economics (Part 3)

We continue to examine economics, or the making, selling, and buying of goods and services.  Capitalism has raised more people out of poverty than any other system.  But what if we would follow another system of economics? For instance, if we follow socialism, then we’d better be ready for a lower standard of living. Tom [&hellip




The Truth About…Economics (Part 2)

When discussing economics, the Bible seems to support free market capitalism. Here are four points to consider: first, God, as Creator of all, makes humans to manage His resources (also called stewardship). Second, hard work is rewarded; laziness is not. Third, the concept of private property is supported through work and laws against stealing. Fourth, [&hellip




The Truth About…Economics (Part 1)

Did you know that the Bible has more verses about money than about heaven and hell? Did you know that there are more verses about money in the Bible than there are regarding prayer? According to Ron Blue’s book, Sneakers from Heaven, the topic of money is all over the Bible. The problem with many [&hellip




The Truth About…Politics (Part 4)

We finish this blog series on politics, or the policies and goals on government, by refocusing on the biblical view of politics. Many Christians are confused about the Church’s role in society.  The Church’s main job is to preach Law and Gospel, so people know they have violated God’s law yet have a Redeemer in [&hellip




The Truth About…Politics (Part 3)

As we continue to examine politics, it is worth noting that some believe our government’s policies and goals should be focused on social justice. Now, what is meant by “social justice”? Social justice means justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. This term is commonly used today, and [&hellip




The Truth About…Politics (Part 2)

This month’s blogs focus on politics, which is the policies or goals of government.  The Bible teaches that government’s goals should be justice, freedom, and order.   We see that in various passages throughout Scripture. For example, since Adam and Eve were created  in God’s image, we all have have rights.  These rights are implied [&hellip




The Truth About…Politics (Part 1)

This month’s blogs will focus on politics. While some believe that religion and politics are two subjects that should not be brought up in polite conversation, it is imperative that we understand not only a Christian worldview regarding politics, but what others believe as well. If we fail to grasp why people act the way [&hellip




The Truth About…Law (Part 4)

Let’s conclude this month’s blogs on law by examining  what happens  when the rule of law is followed.  As the last blog showed, when the rule of men is what governs, then the governed suffer.  However, when governments follow the rule of law, the people can be free.  Consider the following benefits of subscribing to a [&hellip




The Truth About…Law (Part 3)

Let’s continue to examine law, but this time from other views that aren’t biblical.  If we will not listen to God when it comes to standards of societal conduct, then we are left with 2 options–either we, the governed decide, or the government itself decides, apart from the will of the people. If the governed [&hellip




The Truth About…Law (Part 2)

This month’s blogs focus on law, or the rules of conduct in society.  In a Christian worldview of law, there is natural and biblical law.  Natural laws are laws that occur naturally, in all peoples and all times.  An example of this is laws that are universally found such as “don’t steal” and “don’t kill.”  Whether [&hellip

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