Brad Alles

Dr. Alles is an Associate Professor of Education at Concordia University Wisconsin. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in education from Concordia University Nebraska, his Master’s degree in Christian education from Concordia University Chicago, and his Ed.D in Leadership, Innovation, and Continuous Improvement from Concordia University Wisconsin.

Posts by Brad Alles




Jesus and the future (Part 5)

The last days will not be dire for Christians alone. Jesus also related that the world would get worse, not better. He said there will be an increase of wickedness. Contrast Jesus’ perspective of the future with the previous worldviews. It is not a glorious future of peace and harmony due to world government, a [&hellip




Jesus and the future (Part 4)

Our discussion of the future according to the Bible continues with information on the Antichrist.  In 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-3, Paul also warned that the “man of lawlessness” will be revealed. Another term for him is the Antichrist. “Antichrist” literally means “in place of Christ,” so this individual will be both a substitute and opponent [&hellip




Jesus and the future (Part 3)

Matthew 24:9-14 deals with a time called the Tribulation Age—a time of worldwide persecution of Christians. Jesus said, “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray [&hellip




Jesus and the future (Part 2)

Let’s continue to look at the future according to Jesus as found in Matthew 24. To begin, Jesus described signs that occur every day. They are commonplace in a sinful world inhabited by sinful people, but are not indicators of the last days. This is called the New Testament Age (or Church Age), the era [&hellip




Jesus and the future (Part 1)

In the Christian worldview, history is a linear recording of past events, with Creation, the Fall of Man, and the Resurrection of Jesus being the most noteworthy. These three are significant because they explain our origin, morality, and rescue. Ultimately, history’s line will come to a terminal point: Judgment Day. The eternal states of heaven [&hellip




Islamic beliefs (Part 4)

Islam desires that all submit to Allah.  This can be done via conversion or coercion.  Jihad is used by a minority of Muslims, yet it is a deadly minority.  Yet terror and violence are not the only weapons. Other groups have the same agenda, just different means. University of Delaware professor Muqtedar Khan writes, “I [&hellip




Islamic beliefs (Part 3)

This series continues, looking at the future according to Islam.  In this worldview, all of the Earth will be turn to Islam either by conversion or coercion. How pervasive is this desire for jihad to bring about an Islamic world? The Heritage Foundation reported fifty terrorist attacks in the United States alone in the ten years [&hellip




Islamic beliefs (Part 2)

This blog series continues with the future according to Islam.  The real solution to humanity’s problem is Jesus Christ, the Savior from the world’s sinfulness.  However, different worldviews have solutions to make life better on planet Earth.  These worldviews will be explained so you can understand your world better.   (For more, see my book Starting at the End.) In order [&hellip




Easter and COVID-19

As we continue to cope with COVID-19, we also rejoice in the Easter message. Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia! One of the consequences of Adam and Eve’s sinful disobedience was a cursed world, full of disease, disaster, and death. The coronavirus is just one example of the aftermath of this disobedience. God [&hellip




Faith integration for schools amid COVID-19

The coronavirus has changed the way most educators teach.  Instead of in-person interaction, content is delivered digitally.  But how does a teacher integrate the Christian faith in an on-line setting?  Is there a way to nurture spiritual growth while we network?  As Lutherans we ask, “What does this mean?”  To answer this, let me offer [&hellip

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