Brad Alles

Dr. Alles is an Associate Professor of Education at Concordia University Wisconsin. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in education from Concordia University Nebraska, his Master’s degree in Christian education from Concordia University Chicago, and his Ed.D in Leadership, Innovation, and Continuous Improvement from Concordia University Wisconsin.

Posts by Brad Alles

The ABC’s of Defending the Faith (LEA)

ABCs of Defending Your Faith




Preparing for a Post-Christian Culture (Part 8)

Because the culture is Post-Christian in its mindset, it is essential not to shrink from social issues, but rather to engage them.  This cultural battle is worth the cost, since lives and institutions are at stake.  Socially, it is also important to remember that the law follows culture.  As the culture becomes more anti-Christian, laws [&hellip




Preparing for a Post-Christian Culture (Part 7)

This is the first of five things that we can do in this culture in which we live.  As it turns away from God, we turn to Him, and let none of His words fall to the ground. First, apologetically defend the faith, explaining why Christianity matches reality best.  In order to do that, we [&hellip




Preparing for a Post-Christian Culture (Part 6)

As we address the time in which we live and the forces at work, we can become overwhelmed.  What should we do?  Is there any hope? There is always hope, since God is a God of hope.  Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust [&hellip




Preparing for Post-Christian Culture (Part 5)

As we continue to examine why the culture has changed to a post-Christian one, an understanding of the “rise of the Nones” may help us. As stated in the last blog, Pew Forum polls have seen a drop in those professing Christianity and a growth in those professing to be atheists, agnostics, or holding no [&hellip




Preparing for a Post-Christian Culture (Part 4)

A question arises: why has the culture changed to a post-Christian one?  Some stats from the Pew Forum polls over the years may shed some light on the issue. According to the Pew Forum poll in 2014, Christians make up 70% of Americans.  That is down from 88% in 1972.  Of the 70% who call [&hellip




Preparing for a Post-Christian Culture (Part 3)

As we continue our examination of our culture, we need to assess it honestly.  (An excellent book about this is J. Paul Nyquist’s book Prepare: Living Your Faith in an Increasingly Hostile Culture.)  We can be optimistic, like little orphan Annie, and sing, “The Sun’ll Come Up Tomorrow,” or, we can be pessimistic, like Eeyore [&hellip




Preparing for a Post-Christian Culture (Part 2)

There are certain attributes of American culture today that we must understand in order to effectively witness.  First, it is Post-Modern, meaning that there is no Truth for all people, just your individual truth or your group’s truth.  An example of this is the abortion issue.  If a woman is pregnant and wants the baby, there [&hellip




Preparing for a Post-Christian Culture (Part 1)

As we look around our American landscape, we see the culture changing right before our very eyes.  What were once clear distinctions and obvious differences between right versus wrong, truth versus error, and fact versus fiction are now blurred beyond recognition.  It is a totally new world.  Do we know what to do?  Do we [&hellip

National Youth Gathering: ABC’s of Defending Your Faith

ABCs of Defending Your Faith

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