Brad Alles

Dr. Alles is an Associate Professor of Education at Concordia University Wisconsin. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in education from Concordia University Nebraska, his Master’s degree in Christian education from Concordia University Chicago, and his Ed.D in Leadership, Innovation, and Continuous Improvement from Concordia University Wisconsin.

Posts by Brad Alles




Islamic beliefs (Part 2)

This blog series continues with the future according to Islam.  The real solution to humanity’s problem is Jesus Christ, the Savior from the world’s sinfulness.  However, different worldviews have solutions to make life better on planet Earth.  These worldviews will be explained so you can understand your world better.   (For more, see my book Starting at the End.) In order [&hellip




Easter and COVID-19

As we continue to cope with COVID-19, we also rejoice in the Easter message. Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia! One of the consequences of Adam and Eve’s sinful disobedience was a cursed world, full of disease, disaster, and death. The coronavirus is just one example of the aftermath of this disobedience. God [&hellip




Faith integration for schools amid COVID-19

The coronavirus has changed the way most educators teach.  Instead of in-person interaction, content is delivered digitally.  But how does a teacher integrate the Christian faith in an on-line setting?  Is there a way to nurture spiritual growth while we network?  As Lutherans we ask, “What does this mean?”  To answer this, let me offer [&hellip




COVID-19: blizzard or ice-age?

Here is a link to a journal article about leading Christian organizations during and after the COVID-19 era. Instead of thinking of this crisis as a short-term “blizzard,” prepare for ministry or business as if this will be a long-term adjustment, like a “winter” or an “ice-age.”




Looking to God amid COVID-19

Our daughter wrote this Bible passage on a whiteboard in our hallway to encourage us during this time of uncertainty due to the coronavirus . I am sharing it with you: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). This verse [&hellip




Islamic beliefs (Part 1)

Thus far we have seen three visions of the future that involve global government: a secular one, a communist one, and a spiritually evolved one. The fourth worldview also has global government as a goal, but it’s Islamic in nature. Iran’s spiritual leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, stated this clearly: “With the guidance of Allah and [&hellip




New Age beliefs (Part 4)

Even though the number of New Age adherents may be small compared to Christianity or Islam, its teachings permeate the world around us. Television shows, films, schools, and even global institutions like the United Nations display this worldview. Carl Teichrib explains the danger of being ignorant or apathetic of the New Age: Unfortunately, many Christians [&hellip




New Age beliefs (Part 3)

This blog series continues with the future according to New Age (or Cosmic Humanism).  The real solution to humanity’s problem is Jesus Christ, the Savior from the world’s sinfulness.  However, different worldviews have solutions to make life better on planet Earth.  These worldviews will be explained so you can understand your world better.   (For more, see my book Starting [&hellip




New Age beliefs (Part 2)

Let’s continue to examine the future according to various worldviews.  To New Agers, man is considered separated from God, not because of sin, but because of lack of understanding and knowledge concerning the true nature of reality—that all is God. Because everyone has not yet grasped this, some New Agers believe a savior, or World [&hellip




New Age beliefs (Part 1)

This blog series continues with the future according to New Age (or Cosmic Humanism).  Different worldviews have solutions to make life better on planet Earth.  These worldviews will be explained so you can understand your world better. Moreover, you will be able to explain the real solution to our problem: Jesus Christ, the Savior from the world’s [&hellip

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