Witnessing in the Post-Modern Age (Part 1)

We need to remember that all worldviews begin with assumptions. Nancy Pearcey states it like this: others “promote their own views as unbiased and rational, suitable for the public square, while denouncing religious views as biased or prejudiced. This tactic has often cowed Christians into being defensive about our faith…The mistake lies in thinking there is such a thing as theories that are unbiased or neutral, unaffected by any religious or philosophical assumptions.”

When we grasp that all worldviews start with assumptions, and bring that out into the open with people, it aids in the discussion because now all can think through presuppositions that were absorbed previously without much discernment.

Take for example the concept of God’s existence: He either is or isn’t. Starting with either assumption leads you down two dramatically different paths. Or take the concept that there is no truth. How do you know? Isn’t that a truth statement in and of itself? Helping people recognize assumptions is one key in witnessing.

Another key in witnessing is understanding the proper place of apologetics. Knowledge of facts doesn’t bring salvation; Jesus does, by the power of the Holy Spirit, when we’re convicted of our sinfulness and convinced He’s our Savior. The blogs on this website are meant to show the reliability of the Bible and the truthfulness of the message in it. However, arguments here defending the Scriptures and the historicity of Jesus will work only when non-believers still adhere to the concepts of true and false. In our Post-Modern culture, many don’t buy into those concepts.  We’ll explore how to address that next.

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