



The truth: We sinned, He saved us

In 1 Corinthians 9:22-23, the Apostle Paul said, “I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.”  Paul knew the truth–the eternal stakes that were on the line. And Paul also knew the heart of God; he said it best in 1 Timothy 2:3-4–“This is good, and [&hellip




Witnessing and worldviews

Many of the concepts encircling the globe today are opposed to God’s Word. Worldviews give birth to ideas, and the world revolves around these concepts, such as macro-evolution, jihad, infanticide, or the new tolerance. Obviously, these ideas have consequences. From a Christian worldview, sinful people produce bad ideas leading to negative consequences. This explains the [&hellip




Evangelism in this Post-Modern age (Part 5)

The best witnessing comes when you allow a person to examine their worldview’s starting assumption, then look at their philosophy of what’s real, and their ethics on how to live, and then ask them to check their worldview with the real world around them. Do they believe that there’s no God? How do they know [&hellip




Evangelism in this Post-Modern age (Part 4)

Beliefs can be useful yet false; for instance, take the belief in Santa Claus. Telling children to be good so Santa will bring presents on Christmas has a certain usefulness to it, but there is no one actually coming down the chimney. Another example of a false belief that can be useful is the political spin [&hellip




Evangelism in this Post-Modern age (Part 3)

According to Post-Modern thinking, there is no Truth, just beliefs that are products of human subjectivity. You don’t test whether something is objectively true; you see if it works or has beneficial effects in the lives of people who believe it. For example, does it make them happy or give them meaning? That’s what makes [&hellip




Evangelism in this Post-Modern age (Part 2)

We need to remember that all worldviews begin with assumptions. Nancy Pearcey states it like this: others “promote their own views as unbiased and rational, suitable for the public square, while denouncing religious views as biased or prejudiced. This tactic has often cowed Christians into being defensive about our faith…The mistake lies in thinking there [&hellip




Evangelism in this Post-Modern age (Part 1)

What makes witnessing so difficult in today’s Post-Modern age is the fact that religion is respected but irrelevant. It’s just your own personal belief; it’s not anything that we can use in the public arena, since there are no universal truths for all people. Regarding issues like abortion, embryonic stem cells, and homosexuality, the lower [&hellip




The simple Truth

In 1 Corinthians 9:22-23, the Apostle Paul said, “I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.”  Paul knew the truth–the eternal stakes that were on the line. And Paul also knew the heart of God; he said it best in 1 Timothy 2:3-4–“This is good, and [&hellip




Understanding worldviews & witnessing

Many of the concepts encircling the globe today are opposed to God’s Word. Worldviews give birth to ideas, and the world revolves around these concepts, such as macro-evolution, jihad, infanticide, or the new tolerance. Obviously, these ideas have consequences. From a Christian worldview, sinful people produce bad ideas leading to negative consequences. This explains the [&hellip




Witnessing in the Post-Modern Age (Part 4)

The best witnessing comes when you allow a person to examine their worldview’s starting assumption, then look at their philosophy of what’s real, and their ethics on how to live, and then ask them to check their worldview with the real world around them. Do they believe that there’s no God? How do they know [&hellip

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