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Witnessing in the Post-Modern Age (Part 3)

Beliefs can be useful yet false; for instance, take the belief in Santa Claus. Telling children to be good so Santa will bring presents on Christmas has a certain usefulness to it, but there is no one actually coming down the chimney. Another example of a false belief that can be useful is the political spin [&hellip




Witnessing in the Post-Modern Age (Part 2)

According to Post-Modern thinking, there is no Truth, just beliefs that are products of human subjectivity. You don’t test whether something is objectively true; you see if it works or has beneficial effects in the lives of people who believe it. For example, does it make them happy or give them meaning? That’s what makes [&hellip




Witnessing in the Post-Modern Age (Part 1)

We need to remember that all worldviews begin with assumptions. Nancy Pearcey states it like this: others “promote their own views as unbiased and rational, suitable for the public square, while denouncing religious views as biased or prejudiced. This tactic has often cowed Christians into being defensive about our faith…The mistake lies in thinking there [&hellip




Witnessing apart from the “Two-Story” Truth

What makes witnessing so difficult in today’s Post-Modern age is the fact that because of this dichotomy, or two-story truth, religion is respected but irrelevant. It’s just your own personal belief; it’s not anything that we can use in the public arena, since there are no universal truths for all people. Regarding issues like abortion, [&hellip




Post-Modernism and pedophilia

Remember that in Post-Modernism, there is no Truth for all people, just relative truths for individuals and groups.  I have warned my students at Milwaukee Lutheran High School for years that one day I will be teaching how we should not have sex with children even if the culture permits it.  That day is getting closer. Check out [&hellip




Post-Modernism & The “Two-Story” Truth

In the Post-Modern world in which we live there is no universal Truth (capital “T”).  There are only “truths” (small “t”) that are particular to a society and limited to individual perception. On the other hand, Christianity is a comprehensive, unified worldview that addresses all of life and reality. It is not just religious truth [&hellip




Responding to Post-Modern times

Christians are called to witness to others. So how can we do that effectively today? Ravi Zacharias gives us some pointers for dealing with Post-Modern public situations. In order to present the Gospel today, instead of opening the Bible first, ask questions of your audience instead. Then illustrate your point with examples. Finally bring the truth, [&hellip




Responding to Post-Modern thought

How do we respond to these cultural consequences of Post-Modern thought? Here are some suggestions. First, we need to understand the times and be aware of the various mindsets around us. 1 Chronicles 12:32 mentions men who joined David to fight with him “who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.” In similar [&hellip




Puzzling Post-Modern consequences

There are ramifications for Post-Modern thinking on our society. If we’ve rejected objective reality so the world is what you and your culture create, and if there is no truth, just interpretations by different people and cultures, then nothing can be known or communicated. What we have is a collection of truths for groups. We [&hellip




“Tolerance” and Post-Modernism

Nothing offends people today more than to claim to have the truth. Since there is no truth, no one can claim to have it. It is diametrically opposed to the very core tenets of Post-Modernism. And that’s why Post-Modernists call for “tolerance.” Today there are actually two working definitions of tolerance. It would serve you [&hellip

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