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The Truth About…Sociology (Part 1)

This month’s blogs focus on the Christian worldview regarding sociology. What is meant by “sociology”? Sociology is defined as the study of social behavior. More specifically, the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as “the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships; the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups [&hellip




The Truth About…Psychology (Part 4)

Let’s wrap up this series of blogs on psychology.  As we have seen, this topic deals with people’s behavior, and some believe that humans are basically good.  That is not what we experience as we look around us.  What makes more sense is the fact that we’re sinners–people who deal evil because it is part of [&hellip




The Truth About…Psychology (Part 3)

We’re looking at a Christian worldview of psychology and the behavior of people.  If the Christian perspective is wrong, there are questions that need to be answered.  First, if humanity possesses only a body, with no soul, why is there thought? Remember in Monism, the belief is that humans have a body only.  We have [&hellip




The Truth About…Psychology (Part 2)

Let’s continue examining psychology and the behavior of people.  While all worldviews state that humans are basically good, the Bible teaches Fallen Dualism.  In other words, we are fallen, or sinful beings whose nature is not good but self-centered.  We are dualistic, meaning that we possess both body and soul. This is in contrast to [&hellip




The Truth About…Psychology (Part 1)

This month’s blogs will focus on Psychology.  But what do we mean “psychology”?  Literally, psychology means the study of the mind.  Yet this examination of the mind is not just concerning the physical organ of the brain, but concerning the behaviors and attitudes of people.  It seeks to answer the question, “Why do we behave [&hellip




The Truth About…Biology (Part 4)

Let’s conclude the series on biology.  Belief in evolution requires the acceptance of things that defy scientific law.  The ideas that matter could arrange itself, come alive, and express thought all violate observable laws using the scientific method.  What makes more sense is that there is something more to this world than just atoms and [&hellip




The Truth About…Biology (Part 3)

We continue to examine a Christian worldview of biology.  Earlier we had noted that two views regarding the origin of life exist–creation and evolution.  The biblical view is that God created life in a literal six-day creation.  But what if that view is wrong? If evolution is true, then matter arranged itself against the law [&hellip




The Truth About…Biology (Part 2)

Our review of the Christian worldview of biology continues. Christians believe that God created the universe with the literal account of our origins as found in Genesis 1. How do you know that’s true? There are several reasons to believe this. Colossians 1:16-17 says, “For in him (Jesus) all things were created: things in heaven [&hellip




The Truth About…Biology (Part 1)

This month’s blogs continue with a study of the truth. Specifically, we’ll focus on biology. What does the word “biology” mean? It means the study of life. When we study life, there are two dominant views regarding life’s origin: evolution and creation. In the Evolution model of life’s origin, life appeared 3 billion years ago [&hellip

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