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The Truth About…Politics (Part 3)

As we continue to examine politics, it is worth noting that some believe our government’s policies and goals should be focused on social justice. Now, what is meant by “social justice”? Social justice means justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. This term is commonly used today, and [&hellip




The Truth About…Politics (Part 2)

This month’s blogs focus on politics, which is the policies or goals of government.  The Bible teaches that government’s goals should be justice, freedom, and order.   We see that in various passages throughout Scripture. For example, since Adam and Eve were created  in God’s image, we all have have rights.  These rights are implied [&hellip




The Truth About…Politics (Part 1)

This month’s blogs will focus on politics. While some believe that religion and politics are two subjects that should not be brought up in polite conversation, it is imperative that we understand not only a Christian worldview regarding politics, but what others believe as well. If we fail to grasp why people act the way [&hellip




The Truth About…Law (Part 4)

Let’s conclude this month’s blogs on law by examining  what happens  when the rule of law is followed.  As the last blog showed, when the rule of men is what governs, then the governed suffer.  However, when governments follow the rule of law, the people can be free.  Consider the following benefits of subscribing to a [&hellip




The Truth About…Law (Part 3)

Let’s continue to examine law, but this time from other views that aren’t biblical.  If we will not listen to God when it comes to standards of societal conduct, then we are left with 2 options–either we, the governed decide, or the government itself decides, apart from the will of the people. If the governed [&hellip




The Truth About…Law (Part 2)

This month’s blogs focus on law, or the rules of conduct in society.  In a Christian worldview of law, there is natural and biblical law.  Natural laws are laws that occur naturally, in all peoples and all times.  An example of this is laws that are universally found such as “don’t steal” and “don’t kill.”  Whether [&hellip




The Truth About…Law (Part 1)

This month the blog’s focus will be on a Christian worldview of law.  What is meant by “law”?  By definition, it is the rules of conduct for people.  Even though we may not want to admit it, having laws is good, since moral relativism leads to chaos.  If everyone does whatever they want, anarchy will begin. There are two basic [&hellip




The Truth About…Sociology (Part 4)

Let’s conclude this month’s blogs on sociology, the study of social behavior.  The last blog revealed that while marriage is on the decline, poverty goes up with single parents.  With more and more single parents raising children, the greater risk for other social ills will befall the  children. Viewing this issue from another perspective, decades [&hellip




The Truth About…Sociology (Part 3)

This month’s blogs continue to focus on a biblical understanding of God’s design of societal institutions like the family, church and state. The same God who designed the whole creation designed societal institutions as well. Therefore, problems arise in society when we live in opposition to God’s design. Take the institution of marriage as just [&hellip




The Truth About…Sociology (Part 2)

This month’s blogs continue with a look at sociology.  Let’s examine the three spheres of social relationships, namely the family, church, and state,  through the lens of Scripture. It makes sense that God would have a design for people’s interaction with each other, since His whole creation is intricately designed and interwoven as well. In [&hellip

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