



What will happen to the dead when Jesus returns?

The study of the last things, or eschatology, continues with more on the resurrection. When Jesus returns, all people who have died will rise from the grave.   The sequence of the Last Day is given in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18: “Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to [&hellip




What will our resurrected bodies be like?

Continuing the series on eschatology, or the study of the last things, takes us to the concept of the resurrection.  What will our resurrected body be like? Although every specific detail is not given, six main descriptors of our new body are found in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44, 49, and 53: “So will it be with [&hellip




Life after death because of Jesus

Listen to Jesus Himself deal with this issue of our destiny—what will happen when we die. In John 11:25-27, speaking to Martha at the grave of her brother Lazarus, Jesus said, “‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in [&hellip




Does the hallucination theory explain the Resurrection? (Part 2)

Besides the fact that many people saw Jesus alive after the resurrection, there was physical interaction with Him. Thomas touched Jesus’ nail-pierced hands and spear-torn side in John 20:24-28. “Now Thomas (called Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, ‘We have seen the [&hellip




Does the hallucination theory explain the Resurrection? (Part 1)

A third theory to address Christ’s resurrection is the hallucination theory. It proposes that the disciples thought they saw Jesus alive; in other words, that it was all just an illusion or a figment of their imagination. There are a number of problems with this theory. Normally, hallucinations are rare, and caused by drugs or [&hellip




Does the theft theory explain the Resurrection? (Part 2)

Exploring the theft theory to explain the Resurrection yields other interesting developments. For instance, this theory states that the disciples stole the body while the Roman guards slept. This doesn’t make sense because to actually fall asleep while on watch meant the death penalty for Roman soldiers. That’s why the chief priests and elders devised [&hellip




Does the theft theory explain the Resurrection? (Part 1)

Another theory to explain away the resurrection of Jesus is the theft theory. In this scenario, Jesus’ disciples stole His body, hid the corpse, and proclaimed to everyone that He was miraculously alive. This theory is actually as old as the resurrection itself; it is recorded in the Bible in Matthew 28:11-15: “While the women [&hellip




Does the swoon theory explain the Resurrection? (Part 2)

Some don’t believe that Jesus rose from the dead because He didn’t die on the cross in the first place. Does the swoon theory, that Jesus didn’t die but passed out on the cross, explain the Resurrection? The biggest objection to the swoon theory is the fact that Jesus had been pierced in the heart [&hellip




Does the swoon theory explain the Resurrection? (Part 1)

Some people contend that Jesus did not rise from the dead. Skeptics continue to develop explanations on what really happened, even though they lived mant years after Christ. Karl Venturini, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, suggested the “swoon theory.” The swoon theory says that Jesus swooned, or fainted, on the cross, but did not [&hellip




Was Jesus’ resurrection known?

In the evidence outside of the Bible for the historical Jesus of Nazareth, there were references to His divinity—that He was considered to be God by His followers. Why would people think Jesus was God? From the previous chapter we saw that Jesus taught large crowds, had many followers, healed various diseases, cast out demons, [&hellip

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