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Introduction to Christianity’s Contributions

Who started hospitals?  What was the original purpose of “Sunday School”?  Who developed the scientific method and why?  Who viewed all life as valuable, from womb to tomb? In the coming days and years, the Christian Church will continue to be attacked as one of the main perpetrators of evil and suffering in the world. [&hellip




The Truth About…History (Part 4)

As we finish this blog series on the Christian worldview of history, let’s consider the impact of Christianity on the planet.  Recently, an outspoken atheist, Penn Gillette (of the magicians Penn & Teller), was asked a question by a rabbi.  The rabbi asked if the world would be a better place if 1 billion of [&hellip




The Truth About..History (Part 3)

As this series on history continues, let us examine the hope that all worldviews have except Christianity–we will create a perfect society.  In all worldviews except biblical Christianity, humans are viewed as good (or neutral at worst) and because of this inherent goodness, a better world is in our future.  But here’s the problem: where [&hellip




The Truth About…History (Part 2)

In the last blog we mentioned that of the five predominant worldviews in the United States, Christianity teaches that history is really His-Story, or God’s Story.  History (a record of past events) is that which God has allowed to take place in His sovereignty.  The main points in God’s story are the Creation, Fall of [&hellip




The Truth About…History (Part 1)

This month’s blogs focus on history.  What do we mean by the word “history”? History is the recording of past events.  When we examine competing worldviews in the United States, there are 5 basic views of history. First, Islam teaches Historical Determinism.  History is determined by Allah and ultimately will be fulfilled in His vision.  [&hellip




The Truth About…Economics (Part 4)

If we examine other economic systems, we’ll see that the free market is the best for human life. That makes sense because God made us to work and get married, according to Genesis 1. And therein lies the keys to addressing poverty—marriage and work. If we want to help avoid poverty, follow God’s design of [&hellip




The Truth About…Economics (Part 3)

We continue to examine economics, or the making, selling, and buying of goods and services.  Capitalism has raised more people out of poverty than any other system.  But what if we would follow another system of economics? For instance, if we follow socialism, then we’d better be ready for a lower standard of living. Tom [&hellip




The Truth About…Economics (Part 2)

When discussing economics, the Bible seems to support free market capitalism. Here are four points to consider: first, God, as Creator of all, makes humans to manage His resources (also called stewardship). Second, hard work is rewarded; laziness is not. Third, the concept of private property is supported through work and laws against stealing. Fourth, [&hellip




The Truth About…Economics (Part 1)

Did you know that the Bible has more verses about money than about heaven and hell? Did you know that there are more verses about money in the Bible than there are regarding prayer? According to Ron Blue’s book, Sneakers from Heaven, the topic of money is all over the Bible. The problem with many [&hellip




The Truth About…Politics (Part 4)

We finish this blog series on politics, or the policies and goals on government, by refocusing on the biblical view of politics. Many Christians are confused about the Church’s role in society.  The Church’s main job is to preach Law and Gospel, so people know they have violated God’s law yet have a Redeemer in [&hellip

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