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Why is there suffering? (Part 2)

In the last blog, I discussed how suffering in the forms of disease, disaster, and death occur in nature because of Adam and Eve’s fall.  Even as Jesus overcame sin and death through His resurrection, we still have pain here on earth.  But a new day will come. Paul writes in Romans 8:18-22, “I consider that our [&hellip




Why is there suffering? (Part 1)

The Bible is very clear about why pain and suffering is a part of our existence.  Disease, disaster, and death occur in nature because of Adam and Eve’s fall.  When the first humans rebelled against God’s decree, they brought suffering into the human experience.  Genesis 3:17-19 says, “To Adam he said, ‘Because you listened to your wife [&hellip




Does evil’s existence prove God’s?

On a philosophical level, the issue of evil can be used not to disprove God, but to “prove” Him.  Theodicy is the issue of God’s justice amid evil and suffering.  When put in question form it sounds like this: “If God exists, why is there evil?”  The assumption is that since there’s evil, God doesn’t exist; [&hellip




When bad things happen

Let’s continue this series on suffering on the philosophical level.  It’s necessary on an intellectual level, but these words are not for grieving people at a funeral.  Ministering with those who are hurting will be addressed later. When philosophically addressing the issue of theodicy–the issue of God’s justice amid evil and suffering–another question often comes up: “Why [&hellip




Evil and God’s existence

Let’s start this series on suffering by addressing it on the philosophical level, and then approach it from the personal level.  Obviously, in the face of someone who just lost a loved one, these intellectual arguments for God’s existence would seem uncaring and cold.  That is not the time for them.  This defense of the [&hellip




The truth: We sinned, He saved us

In 1 Corinthians 9:22-23, the Apostle Paul said, “I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.”  Paul knew the truth–the eternal stakes that were on the line. And Paul also knew the heart of God; he said it best in 1 Timothy 2:3-4–“This is good, and [&hellip




Witnessing and worldviews

Many of the concepts encircling the globe today are opposed to God’s Word. Worldviews give birth to ideas, and the world revolves around these concepts, such as macro-evolution, jihad, infanticide, or the new tolerance. Obviously, these ideas have consequences. From a Christian worldview, sinful people produce bad ideas leading to negative consequences. This explains the [&hellip




Test everything

Unfortunately, many today confess Jesus as Savior yet don’t even realize how other worldviews have affected their own thinking. Whether it is Post-Modernism or Secular Humanism or whatever “ism” you want to name, Christians using other worldviews will be unconsciously shaped by their assumptions. Just like wearing someone else’s glasses affects your vision, so using [&hellip

North/South Wisconsin District Teachers Conference

Teaching the Faith handouts: Big Questions, Biblical Answers-Edited Outline Teaching the Faith–Elementary & Middle School




The total Truth of Christianity

In the last blog I mentioned Nancy Pearcey calling Christianity ‘Total Truth.” This total truth, a Christian worldview, is a biblically informed perspective on the world. Christianity starts with the presupposition that God exists due to the order in the universe and the moral order in the world. God reveals Himself generally through nature and [&hellip

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