Does evil’s existence prove God’s?

On a philosophical level, the issue of evil can be used not to disprove God, but to “prove” Him.  Theodicy is the issue of God’s justice amid evil and suffering.  When put in question form it sounds like this: “If God exists, why is there evil?”  The assumption is that since there’s evil, God doesn’t exist; He wouldn’t allow it if He saw it.

Ravi Zacharias turns the question so that theodicy explains God’s existence rather than denies it.  Here’s how he responds to statement, “Since there’s evil, there’s no God.”

1. If there’s evil, then there’s good.

2. If there’s good and evil, then there’s a standard/law.

3. If there’s a standard/law, then there’s a law-giver.

4. If there’s a law-giver, then there’s a God.

When we see evil and suffering, we have to label it as such.  But to do so, there must be a difference between good and evil.  If that’s so, there has to be some standard to make the distinction.  If there’s a standard, or law to differentiate, then there  must be a law-giver, someone to establish the standard.  And if there’s a law-giver, then God is that one who makes the law.

For instance, I see a crime.  I can label it as such.  But to do so requires some separation of good and bad behavior.  Where did that come from?  From standards of conduct like the Ten Commandments or civil laws.  And if I know that there’s a standard, these didn’t come from thin air; someone established them.  God, and the government using the  Ten Commandments established them.  Evil is used not to disprove but to “prove” God.

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