Noah’s Flood evidence (Part 2)

A second geologic evidence for the Flood was the rapid burial of billions of plants and animals all over the planet. This is what you would expect to find in a global catastrophe such as the Flood. Now, how do you make a fossil?  In order to produce a fossil you need a quick burial, in the right soil conditions, with extreme pressure. Without these three considerations, organisms will decay and not be preserved.

For example, soft parts (jellyfish, animal feces, scales and fins of fish) or whole, large, fully-articulated skeletons (e.g., whales or large dinosaurs such as T-Rex) are preserved. Or we find many creatures’ bodies contorted. All this evidence shows that these creatures were buried rapidly (in many cases even buried alive) and fossilized before scavengers, micro-decay organisms and erosional processes could erase the evidence. These are found all over the world and all through the various strata.

Notice what is not necessary—millions and billions of years. Long periods of time have nothing to do with producing a fossil. But when we examine the fossil record, amazing moments are frozen in time, such as one fish eating another, or an ichthyosaur (a marine dinosaur) giving birth! In order to capture these creatures in these situations, they must be buried rapidly in the proper setting with high pressure. The Flood would enable these billions of plants and animals to be preserved perfectly. Furthermore, upon viewing these fossil graveyards, researchers often find mixtures of sea and land dwelling creatures together, indicating that the Flood’s torrent swept over both oceans and continents, as we discussed in the previous section. For instance, in Wyoming, one graveyard features alligator, various fish, birds, turtles, mollusks, crustaceans, various insects, and palm leaves. Strange deposits in a state far from the ocean! In Tasmania, clams, snails and a whale are fossilized alongside a possum.

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