Humanist beliefs (Part 2)

This blog series continues with the future according to Secular Humanism.  Different worldviews have solutions to make life better on planet Earth.  These worldviews will be explained so you can understand your world better. Moreover, you will be able to explain the real solution to our problem: Jesus Christ, the Savior from the world’s sinfulness.

According to Secular Humanism. our planet needs one global government in order to form a better world.  In Humanist Manifesto II, this world government should renounce war, cooperatively plan the use of Earth’s resources, provide economic assistance to those who need it, and expand technology, travel, and communication. That sounds good—who would oppose that? However, problems arise when policies are determined without input from the people.

Austin Ruse is president of The Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, which focuses on international social policy. He says that laws derived from United Nations’ treaties are being used “to establish norms that are being forced upon governments and upon people. These new norms have never been voted on. They are being perpetrated by the same people who call themselves transnational progressives. They do not believe in the democratic process; they believe in their own superiority.”

An illustration of this incursion of United Nations treaties upon American law was clearly stated by American Civil Liberties Union Executive Director Anthony Romero: “Our goal is no less than to forge a new era of social justice where the principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights are recognized and enforced in the United States.” And so the Secular Humanist’s agenda progresses.

The Humanist Manifesto II continues: “The world must be open to diverse political, ideological, and moral viewpoints and evolve a worldwide system of television and radio for information and education. We thus call for full international cooperation in culture, science, the arts, and technology across ideological borders.” Simply stated, we should compromise and cooperate. Only then can the world see peace through a reformed United Nations or some future global government. Yet if we are to be open to diverse ideas, why has the Secular Humanist decided that the time “passed” for belief in God? Shouldn’t people be open to this as well? According to Dr. David Noebel, “Secular Humanists believe that their worldview is capable of promoting tolerance, compromise, and cooperation in a world community.” But they are intolerant of religion!

Also, notice that a moral absolute was established: “The world must be open to diverse political, ideological, and moral viewpoints.” Who says the world must be open-minded? The Secular Humanist does. But this is a contradiction to moral relativism, where we each decide what is right. They know there must be an ultimate authority to judge people’s behavior as either right or wrong. And since God doesn’t exist in the Secular Humanist worldview, the government must be the ultimate authority—the government must be “god.”’

Noebel says, “If God is denied, the state must usurp His role. Thus, power falls into the hands of politicians—persons who are not, despite optimism to the contrary, infallible.” That’s why this is so dangerous. In order to realize the dreams of a perfect world community, not everyone’s ideas, morals, or beliefs can be accepted. The call was for compromise. Yet who has the final say on what is acceptable and what is not? The government does. And when those in power decide for the rest of us what is permissible, freedom is lost and tyranny ensues.  That’s the subject of the next blog.

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