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What are angels?

Our culture has a fascination with the supernatural, and with good reason.  Everywhere one goes, there are unexplained phenomenon.  People experience the unexplainable.  Couple that with media focusing on the supernatural, from movies about angels and demons, to books about vampires and werewolves, to comics about ghosts and hauntings, we are bombarded by these stories.  But what [&hellip




What really matters? (The “End of Life” Test)

As we wrap up this series of blogs on God’s will, let’s conclude with a look at what really matters.  If  someone gave you an “End of Life” test, a series of questions to use near your last days, it might look something like this: 1. Who did you love? 2. Who loved you? 3. [&hellip




What about non-moral decisions? (Part 2)

Decision making and God’s will continues with this second part regarding choices that don’t involve a moral component.  Non-moral decisions are made when there is no command in the Bible regarding God’s stated will.  If there is no special guidance by God, or no moral guidance given by God, then we have to make choices that are neither right nor wrong. Whatever we [&hellip




What about non-moral decisions? (Part 1)

Before we get to non-moral decision making, here’s a quick recap from the first three installments on God’s will for your life.  The first way God guides is through His sovereign will.  You can know it through the rear-view mirror of life.  If God allowed things to happen, it must be part of His will.  A second [&hellip




What is God’s moral will for us?

Here’s a quick review of this series on God’s will before we examine a third way that God guides us, through His moral will.  God’s sovereign will, our first study, is seen when we look back on a day or period in our life.  If God allowed things to happen, it must be part of His will.  A second way God guides [&hellip




Does God have a special will for you?

Let’s continue to examine God’s will for your life with this second edition.  God’s guidance comes to us in four ways: sovereign, special, moral, and non-moral.  In the last blog, we saw how God guides us in a sovereign way. That means that God is in total control, or is sovereign, and that unless something is [&hellip




What is God’s will for you?

This series of blogs will examine God’s will for your life.  How can we know what God wants us to do?  Clearly,  God has a general will for all people.  All of us are to carry out the “Cultural Commission” of Genesis 1:28.  God told Adam and Eve, “‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue [&hellip




My presentations at the National Youth Gathering

Thanks for attending my talks.  As promised, you can access notes from my presentations given at the National Youth Gathering in San Antonio right here. Enjoy! And let me know how else I can help.  Love Lived — And Here’s Evidence! The End Is Near! Elimidate & Divorce




What is heaven?

This series of blogs on eschatology, or the study of the last things, concludes with descriptions of heaven.  The eternal state of the new heaven and new earth was promised in Isaiah 65:17. “Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to [&hellip




What is hell?

The study of the last things, or eschatology, continues with more on the eternal state of hell.  In hell, unbelievers will experience damnation and eternal separation from God in both body and soul. Hell is pictured as a place of weeping and gnashing teeth (Matthew 8:12), where both body and soul will be tormented and [&hellip

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