Continuing to follow the literal Genesis account of creation (Genesis 1:1-2:3), which is what Professor Barr said the text is intending to convey, the sequence of days and their created elements are as follows. On day one, God made a watery, formless mass along with light, but this light was not the sun. (More on [&hellip
There are arguments for God’s existence such as the cosmological, teleological, and moral order arguments. Simply stated, these arguments are: since everything has a beginning, who started it? Since every design has a designer, who designed it? And since every law has a law-giver, who gave the law? We can know God exists from the [&hellip
Is God simply the universe, as pantheists believe? No, Genesis 1:1 clearly shows the difference between God and creation. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” This verse is known so well that we fail to recognize how radical it is! God is not part of the world, as in other religion’s [&hellip