Archive for March, 2019

CA/NV/HI District Teachers Conference

Understanding Our Post-Christian Culture (1 Hour)




Marxism’s Future: Global Communism

Here’s what Marxism sees as humanity’s future as stated in my book, Starting at the End.  It focuses on worldviews and their vision of earth’s destiny. Economics, according to Marxism, is the driving force in history. Capitalism will die out (a free exchange of privately-owned goods and services) and socialism (a government-controlled economy) will pave the way for communism. [&hellip




Secular Humanism’s Future: Global Government

My book, Starting at the End, focuses on worldviews and their vision of the future.  Here is what Secular Humanism sees. “Man is at last becoming aware that he alone is responsible for the realization of the world of his dreams, that he has within himself the power for its achievement. He must set intelligence and [&hellip




What will the future bring?

All worldviews have a vision of the future. That’s what my book, Starting at the End, explores.  Many believe that history is moving in a straight line toward an exact goal. This is called a linear view of history. Everyone wonders what that future goal will bring. In a naturalistic worldview, devoid of the supernatural realm [&hellip

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