One Post-Modern claim would be the following: there is no truth, just interpretations by different people and cultures, and all are equally valid. Take the resurrection of Jesus as an example. In Post-Modern thought, the “Christian truth” is that Jesus rose from the dead, while in the “Muslim truth”, He didn’t even die on the [&hellip
In what could be called the Pre-Modern era, or before the 1600’s, there was a strong belief in the supernatural, namely God. Furthermore, people viewed oral and written traditions, like the Bible, to have authority to explain all of reality. The Bible, for instance, gave us the explanation of where we came from, why we’re [&hellip
The Case for Christianity (2018) What is a Worldview
The Case for Christianity (2018) Post-Modernism–Teaching Truth When None Exists 3 Leadership Lessons
You are free to believe what you want, but the real question would be, is it true? According to the American Heritage Dictionary, truth is defined as “conformity to knowledge, fact, actuality, or logic.” You could believe something, accepting it as true, genuine, or real, but that wouldn’t make it true. Take for example the idea [&hellip