Archive for January, 2019




Questions during suffering (Part 1)

When we suffer, all sorts of questions enter our minds. “Why is this happening?” “Does God hate me?” “Is this punishment for some sin I committed?” Let’s turn to the Word of God for some answers. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without [&hellip




Why is there suffering? (Part 4)

This is the last of four blogs on why suffering occurs.  Earlier we saw that there is suffering here due to an imperfect planet: storms and disease threaten humanity because of Adam and Eve’s sin.  Another reason that there is suffering is due to our sinful nature: people commit terrible acts against one another.  We exercise our free will and choose evil instead of [&hellip




Why is there suffering? (Part 3)

In the last two blogs, I talked about why suffering occurs.  Pain and suffering is a part of our existence due to humanity’s choice to violate God’s will.  Disease, disaster, and death occur around us because of Adam and Eve’s fall.  When the first humans rebelled against God’s decree, they brought suffering into the human experience.  There [&hellip




Why is there suffering? (Part 2)

In the last blog, I discussed how suffering in the forms of disease, disaster, and death occur in nature because of Adam and Eve’s fall.  Even as Jesus overcame sin and death through His resurrection, we still have pain here on earth.  But a new day will come. Paul writes in Romans 8:18-22, “I consider that our [&hellip

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