Archive for August, 2018




Post-Modernism & reality

The biggest problem with Post-Modern thought is that it runs smack dab into reality. Not only do these proponents claim that you can create your own meaning to written words, but they also state that you construct your own world according to your culture and experience. According to the Post-Modernist, all of us are conditioned [&hellip




The Post-Modern claim of “Everything is Interpretation”

A third claim in Post-Modernism would be that any written text has no real meaning, just various interpretations open to readers. The phrase most commonly heard associated with this mindset would be, “What does this mean to you?” While in Post-Modernism, “each author (or artist) is the product of his or her own cultural setting [&hellip




The Post-Modern claim of “No Metanarratives”

A second claim of Post-Modernism is that there are no metanarratives or “big story” to explain all reality, whether the model is Creation or Evolution. Creation is discarded since God doesn’t exist, the assumption with which Post-Modernism begins. (Remember that all worldviews begin with an assumption: either God exists or He doesn’t.) In addition, the [&hellip

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