Archive for April, 2016




Christianity’s Contributions: Justice served (Part 4)

As we close this series on the benefits of Christianity in the realm of law and justice, let’s address the issue of “church and state.”  In Matthew 22:21, Jesus says to “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”  It was from this (nad other verses) that Martin Luther derived his concept of [&hellip




Christianity’s Contributions: Justice served (Part 3)

Continuing our focus on law and the benefits that Christianity brought to the world, let’s look at individual rights.  Political, economic, and religious freedom stem from an individual’s rights.  Recall that in the Christian worldview, these are God-given, not government-given rights.  (John Locke (1632-1704) would write that natural rights are given by nature, not government, and [&hellip




Christianity’s Contributions: Justice served (Part 2)

As we continue to examine Christianity’s influence on culture in the specifics of law and justice, let’s focus on our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Examining the wording of the Declaration reveals a clear Christian influence.  The Declaration speaks of the “Law of Nature and Nature’s God.”  This phrase comes from [&hellip




Christianity’s Contributions: Justice served (Part 1)

Another aspect of Christianity’s contributions to society is in the realm of law and justice.   Not only did the Bible provide the Gospel of salvation, but it had a legal framework for the Israelites to use.  Christians would use these concepts in their legal systems for other nations as well. Natural law is the idea [&hellip

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