Archive for November, 2013




Kansas District Youth Gathering outlines

Here are the outlines for the three “What If?” addresses as well as the outline for the “ABC’s of Apologetics.”  Let me know if you need more.  God bless Kansas!  Potassium…Acorns…Badgers! ABCs of Apologetics What If




What is the New Age worldview? (Part 3)

Part 3 of this series on the New Age explores the ethical standards of right and wrong.  Because everything is God in New Age thinking, we are part of God.  Therefore, we can determine what is right and wrong. This is also known as moral relativism. This has to be the case, since New Age thought [&hellip




What is the New Age worldview? (Part 2)

This is the second part of a series on New Age belief.  The first part examined the starting assumption that God is all things in the universe.  Since God is all things, the philosophy of New Agers is called Non-naturalism. It rejects naturalism (everything is matter).  This New Age theology assumes that God is, so [&hellip




What is the New Age worldview? (Part 1)

Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry explains that the New Age movement has many subgroups, but it is generally a collection of Eastern beliefs like Hinduism and Buddhism. It’s a mix of “correct thinking”, “universal tolerance,” and hope. And the hope lies in evolution. In seeking the perfect society, Secular Humanists trust a world government while [&hellip

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